Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Wish I Could Cook Here

The kitchen looks so GREAT, and the layout couldn't be more perfect.

Le Morceau De RĂ©sistance

English Translation: Most Important Part of the Whole

It's hard to really pick one thing. It could be the kitchen, it could be the stairwell--it could be the mantels, but for right now, here are the brand new stairs.

Joel Said, "Let There Be Light"

Jody installed the lights, and behold there was light. And Joel looked upon the lights and saw that they were good.

Stair Parts!

We got a special delivery of three of the balusters on order for the stairs. The rest will arrive on Monday, but it was nice getting a sneak preview. They are VERY heavy weight and also very pretty.

Green Thumb

Joel's Green Thumb has been a busy busy bee.

Great View

This is the view out of the loft windows upstairs.

I Get Itchy Just Thinking About It

The backyard was fairly overgrown with brush making the 9 acres look like 1/3 of an acre. In the midst of the brush was every possible poisonous plant indigenous to this area--poison oak, poison sumac, and poison ivy. Not to mention ticks. We hate ticks.

A bulldozer was the perfect answer.

More Trim

Trim Progress

In the midst of some of these photos the hardwood floors were installed. We didn't get any photos of the install in progress, but you can see the new floors in the pictures.

Everything Tastes Better in a Kabinart Kitchen

The cabinets are set, but are waiting on doors. The kitchen is totally amazing.

The carpenter is not the best who makes more chips than all the rest

However, our trim carpenters are the best. Gerardo and his crew do fantastic work, and are true craftsmen.

It Smells Like A Hampster Cage In Here

Cedar lined closets are oh so nice, but we do find ourselves looking for a little furry critters, as it has a hampster-esque scent.

A Sea of Stain

Joel has been hard at work staining trim wood for the interior trim. The stain grade wood is put on sawhorses outside, then transferred to a tarp where it dries for an hour or two before going inside.

Joel has been hard at work staining trim wood for the interior trim. The stain grade wood is put on sawhorses outside, then transferred to a tarp where it dries for an hour or two before going inside.

Back To The Outdoors

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